Can You Get Waxed on Your Period?

The truth about what you can and cannot do while on your period is a source of constant debate. Contrary to the opinion of the uninformed, being on your period is not a debilitating condition. You can absolutely live your best life, regardless of which week of the month it is.

So if you’re stressing about an upcoming wax appointment and just got your period, we’ve got you covered with the information you need to know.

The basics of waxing on your period

In the spirit of period positive dialogue, there are plenty of myths and old wives tales that need some debunking. You’re just as much of a rockstar during your menstrual cycle as you are the rest of the month. And self-care doesn’t need to be put on hold just because mother nature is calling. 

Periods call for specific needs and expectations. Offering ourselves the purest form of care and compassion to ourselves during our periods is a major key. If you’re curious about whether or not you can get waxed while on your period, the short answer is absolutely. There are a few things to take into consideration before scheduling your appointment.

Be ready to manage the increased pain and sensitivity

Like many areas of the body while menstruating, your period causes sensitivity to your pubic bone area. If you’re especially prone to severe cramping in pain during your cycle, moving your appointment could benefit you. But if it makes no difference to you, then you can take your pain reliever about 30 minutes before your appointment. 

This will help manage and diminish your pain symptoms. If your threshold for pain is low, this could be your ticket to getting waxed while on your period.

Arriving to the appointment

The 21st century is a beautiful place to be, with an abundance of choice. The incredible thing about having period product options is utilizing certain products for certain scenarios. While pads and panty liners are total lifesavers for some, be sure to skip them for your wax appointment. Using a fresh tampon and a clean cup right before your appointment is essential to a smooth waxing session

Putting your heart rate at ease is a gift to yourself. Shower yourself with the assurance that you have plenty of time before you reach max absorption level. No leaks, no problem.

Tips for proper waxing prep during your period

There are plenty of standalone scenarios that require a combination approach to be effective. In the way that primer can help protect your skin from clogged pores and unruly breakouts, there is an ebb and flow to the natural world to which menstrual cycles are not exempt.

Preparing for a wax on your period requires planning ahead of time. With minimal effort, you’ll be set up for the perfect wax experience.

Cleanse and exfoliate beforehand

Like prepping a brand new canvas to paint a masterpiece on, hopping in the shower right before your appointment will help the post waxing process. Due to the sensitive nature of freshly waxed skin, refraining from showering for at least 24 hours will protect you from discomfort. 

While showering, exfoliate your pubic area to help minimize ingrown hairs and support your best wax possible. Life doesn’t stop when aunt Flo drops in for a visit. So whether you’re running a marathon or taking it easy, having a clean slate to work with works in your favor while making your appointment a smooth ride.

Take it easy after your wax

After your appointment, treat your baby smooth skin as gently as possible. Switch that beach trip to next week and keep your moisturizing products fragrance free. Any self tanning can be put on hold for at least 24 hours. Your aesthetician provides any other information you need to ensure the best care for your skin.

Even though your period might be a great time to engage intimately with your partner, hold off on intimacy for at least 24 hours, or until redness has subsided. Any friction will contribute to further irritation and inflammation. Besides, there’s nothing like a burning sensation to kill the mood.

The importance of communication

Having open conversations about lifestyle engagement during your period is healthy for you and those you choose to share it with. Every person with a uterus will experience the discomfort of their menstrual cycle during the most inconvenient times. When you tell your aesthetician that you’ll be on your cycle during your wax appointment, you can equip them and yourself with the open line of communication necessary for waxing. Your aesthetician is there to foster comfort, safe procedures and proper aftercare.

Come relaxed and confident

So if you’ve been freaking out because your wax appointment is tomorrow and you got your period this afternoon, don’t shed a single tear. Your menstrual cycle is a natural bodily process that half of the world deals with. Instead of letting your period determine the world around you, know that your aesthetician is happy to accommodate you. If you’re still curious about getting waxed on your period or have questions and concerns, contact us before booking your first session!


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