

Friendly Notice

I absolutely enjoy serving women, I appreciate the ability to create my schedule to do so. I honor your booked time reserved, to focus all of my attention on your needs to provide you a quality experience and service. It’s important to me, to manage my time with utilizing specific days for my family, and specific hours of a day for work and school. I hope you understand and can acknowledge my policies I hold in place for all clients.

I reserve the right to charge a no call/no show fee of 100% of your booked service(s), if you abandon your appointment.

I reserve the right to charge a Late Cancellation fee of 50% of your booked service(s), if an appointment or service(s) is canceled or reschedule less than 24(twentyfour) hours, or if you are running more than 10 minutes late, and unable to be seen.

I reserve the right to ask for a valid credit card upon booking.

I also reserve the right to request payment of unpaid fees, prior to your next desired appointment, if for any reason your payment was declined.

Late Policy

Please arrive on time. Be courteous of clients appointments scheduled after your reservation.

Running late will push your service into following clients time frame, and may cause a domino affect to rest of days appointments. Reservations are booked in a timely manner to give leeway of 5 minute delays. also to provide you and others a quality service.

If you arrive 10 minutes late from your scheduled appointment time, I will need to reschedule your service(s). I may only be able to continue with some of the services booked(if more than one service). If you are running a few minutes late, please contact me as soon as possible.

Please be advised, if you are more than 10 minutes late, it is considered a late cancelation. There will be a late cancelation fee of 50% of service(s) booked. No exceptions.

Late Cancelation/Reschedule

A 24(twentyfour) hour + notice is required to cancel and reschedule, otherwise a 50% service fee is charged.

Please notify me as soon as possible via text or email if you’re unable to make it to your appointment after 24(twenty four) mark.

This policy applies to canceling last minute of one or more services at time of arrive or less than 24(twentyfour) hours of appointment, when multiple services are booked, and no longer wanting to receive all service.

This time frame limits other women from being able to book an appointment at the time of your late cancelation.

No Call-No Show

No Call/No Show Fee is 100% of the service(s) booked at Full Price.

This fee is in regards to your reserved time slot to be serviced with the consideration of zero contact made of a cancelation notice.

You may cancel or reschedule your appointment via email confirmation or email reminders. You will receive an email confirmation upon booking, two email reminders at 24hrs & 5hours prior to your appointment time.

Parent Consent

You must have a parent or legal guardian present for your appointment if you are under 18 years of age. You may have your parent/guardian fill out a parent consent form for future appointments to be serviced without them present.