How Long Does Waxing Last?

We’ve all been there: you’re late to this dinner or that event because you forgot to shave your legs. Keeping up on that daily ritual can grow tiresome after a while, but there’s good news! If you get on a good waxing schedule, you can enjoy smooth skin for weeks. Answering the question of how long waxing lasts isn’t the same for everyone, though. We need to cover the basics of hair growth first! This can help you make decisions about when to book your first appointment.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Like most of our organs and body systems, our hair growth runs on a specific biological cycle. Each cycle indicates a different phase of growth and blood supply. These factors make certain stages more effective for waxing; plan ahead to make the most out of your session while giving your skin the rejuvenation and glow it desires.

So whether you’re heading out for a beach trip or you’re piling in a cozy cabin for Christmas with the family, knowing when to wax and under what circumstances can help you achieve optimal results.

Anagen Stage

The hair growth cycle occurs in every follicle on your body. In the beginning stage, anagen, a brand new hair grows from its root attached to a blood supply. Because of its early existence, it is in the perfect condition to be waxed. This phase will offer your skin it’s smoothest surface, and  waxing at this point lasts longer than any other stage. 

Catagen Stage

In the Catagen stage, the root and hair are separated, cutting the blood supply and causing the hair follicle to shrink. While these hairs can be waxed easily, they’ll come back around sooner than expected. Without that root pluck, your hair will grow back in a shorter time frame.

Telogen Stage

In the Telogen stage, the follicle rests. When a new hair follicle begins to develop, the hairs will grow and break through the surface of the skin. The hair growth cycle always plays an integral role for waxing, but especially with your first few appointments. 

Your esthetician has one main goal, and that’s to get all of your hairs on the same growth cycle so that you get the longest lasting results from your wax. If you decide to trim between waxes, which can be tempting, you disrupt the hair growth cycle and ultimately end up with less than favorable results.

Start your waxing in winter

Contrary to what you’d assume, winter is the time of year that yields excellent wax results. Not only do you get the best bang for your buck, but the rewards of consistency and cell regeneration are the cherries on top. 

Let your hair grow

During colder seasons, people are more likely to grow out their body hair. With less sun and no beach days, waxing habits wane. Funny enough, this is the perfect time to start waxing!

Through the winter, waxing produces exceptional results. Because your hair will be longer, it will be easily pulled straight from its root. Not only will your wax last longer over time, but you’ll also experience slightly less pain. This is due to your hair becoming sparing and thinner as a result of all your hair being on the same growth cycle.

The importance of moisturizing

Since dry skin is often common during the winter months, waxing during this period can remove dead skin, allowing your moisturizers to deeply nourish your skin. If you’re waxing for a special occasion throughout the winter, be mindful to schedule your appointment 24 to 48 hours before any special event to account for waxing aftercare

This is especially true for folks who have sensitive skin. You may experience redness, and slight irritation right after your appointment. Maintaining a wax schedule even though you’re growing your body hair out is still important. The consistency you build between waxes stimulates even hair growth, leaving a smooth, consistent feel.

It’s all about length and genetics

So, how long does waxing last? It all depends on your genetics and hair growth. 

Remember that the best time to wax your hair in is the initial growth stage, anagen. If you are intentional about not plucking or waxing until your next appointment, you’ll build hair growth cycle consistency. When you combine that consistency with best practices and regular appointments, your wax can last anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks, with most clients having to book monthly waxing sessions.

Ready for your first wax appointment?

When it comes to self-care and comfortability, waxing is one of the most nourishing things you can do for your body. You exfoliate your skin, create better pockets for moisture retention and enjoy the benefits of that silky smooth feel.

Keep in mind that your rate of hair growth, where you’re waxing and a consistent application play roles in your time between waxes.  If you’re seeking that silky smooth finish, waxing is your best bet. If you’re ready to build a consistent waxing cycle or you’re new to waxing services in general, connect with Vanessa at Necesse Aesthetics today for quality, flawless care. 


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